code promo Booking 10%, 15€ free or refund

code promo Booking. Share this page with your friends! Contact me if you don’t see the green cashback window on page after you click the link – ( ✓ verified) code promo Booking FOR 15€ or 25$ FREE – ( ✓ verified)10% code promo Booking – or you can register to AIRBNB and get 25€ for your first reservation (65€ minimum) If you are a new user or if you are an old one who has never used it before, you can benefit the code promo Booking. On this page I tell you three different ways to save your money for your hotel reservations. Just click on one of the links below that will take you to the page. Only one discount can be used, so choose what is the best for you: the first code promo Booking is worth 15 € while the second booking discount has a value of 10% on the reservation price. There is also a promotion for groups. How to Get a code promo Booking Discount Just open one of the two links, a green window will appear that says “book now and find out how to…”, follow the directions by choosing the place and dates of your vacation. When you return from your holidays they will refund 15 € or 10% of the money. This stack with any other promotion you can find for your reservations. Valid only for 60€ bookings or more. Share this page with your friends! Contact me if you don’t see the green cashback window on page after you click the link – ( ✓ verified) BOOKING CASHBACK FOR 15 € FREE – ( ✓ verified)10% BOOKING CASHBACK Have you already used a code promo Booking or you reservation is more than 750€? I can still refund you some money (4€ every 200€ reservations). Check Booking Refound for Groups down here. There is no time limit for using for links, but expire after 10 uses, so please text me if it no longer works. Booking has a wide range of hotels around the world, it’s easy to find your perfect hotel at the cheapest price on web. If you don’t get refund If you are waiting for refund and you still didn’t get it a week later than you return from holidays, you should go to account and verify your credit/debit card information, than look and check the box “Use this card for my reward”. You already get your refund? Text me down here in the comment section 🙂 Booking Refund for Groups or code promo Booking As Agent I got some good promotion for you. It is planned for groups, if you are a travel organizer you diserve a reward. Every 200€ spent for reservations I can refund you 4€. Example: you travel in a group of 10 and total reservation is 1000€ (100€ per person), you will get 20€ refund wich is 20% of your portion amount. All you have to do is click this special link, will go on website, make your reservation. Come back here and fill the form: If your reservation is eligible, about a week after your holidays you will get your refund. Italian Translation